7. Januar 2008

C++ Frequently Questioned Answers

Category: Allgemein,Internet,Literatur — Christian @ 22:45

Ich habe ja früher selbst mal (mehr oder weniger erfolgreich) ein wenig C++ programmiert aber so richtig anfreunden konnte ich mich mit der Programmiersprache nie. Ein besonderer C++ Basher ist bekanntlich Fefe, der dazu schon einen fiesen Vortrag (PDF) gehalten hat.

Und nun finde ich passend dazu die C++ Frequently Questioned Answers (FQA). Ei paar Auszüge:

  • Operator overloading provides strong source code encryption (the time needed to figure out what a+b actually means is an exponential function of the number of types, implicit conversions, template specializations and overloaded operator version involved).
  • One thing is always true: where you can use C++, you can use C. In particular, if someone gave you C++ interfaces, a thin layer of wrappers will hide them. Using C instead of C++ has several practical benefits: faster development cycle, reduced complexity, better support by tools such as debuggers, higher portability and interoperability. When C++ is an option, C is probably a better option.
  • Empirical studies indicate that 20% of the people drink 80% of the beer. With C++ developers, the rule is that 80% of the developers understand at most 20% of the language. It is not the same 20% for different people, so don’t count on them to understand each other’s code.

Wunderbar 🙂


Ein paar schöne Irrtümer gibt es auch bei Cay Horstmann.

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    Comment by Christian — 7. Juni 2012 @ 10:46

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