27. März 2009

The Most Evil of the Evil

Category: Offtopic,Produkte — Christian @ 21:01

Google Checkout

Ich zitiere mal den entscheidenden Absatz:

  • they did not try to contact us to resolve any issue
  • there’s no way to find out why they closed our account, due to „security reasons“
  • there was no notice (we found out by accident, when we tried to pay for something with Google Checkout)
  • they kept over $200 of our money
  • there is no appeal
  • there is no one we can contact
  • we cannot open a new account
  • our money is gone, even though people have received their products

Ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass das in Deutschland legal ist. Aber ich könnte wetten, Google findet wie Ebay/Paypal den Trick, die Geschäfte von außerhalb der EU durchzuführen.

1 Kommentar

  1. Kommentare gesperrt wegen Spam

    Comment by Christian — 7. Juni 2012 @ 18:36

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