25. September 2008

DRM? Unterdrückt kritische Meinungen!

Category: Produkte — Christian @ 22:06

Im Fanforum von EA, dem Publisher von Spore wird der SecuROM-Kopierschutz immer noch heftig diskutiert. So heftig, dass inzwischen die Moderatoren Amok laufen:

    An EA moderator on the official Spore forums threatened to cancel accounts of still unsatisfied Spore owners. „SecuROM as been discussed and discussed so much and it causes arguments in threads,“ the moderator quipped. „If you want to talk about DRM SecuROM then please use another fansite forum. Please do not continue to post these threads or your account may be at risk of banning which in some cases would mean you would need to buy a new copy to play Spore.“

Ich kann mich nur tausend mal wiederholen: Finger weg von DRM!

(via Robert Basic)

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    Comment by Christian — 23. Februar 2009 @ 09:47

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